Northampton’s Main Street redesign start pushed to 2026; costs climb to $29M as opponents press for changes

02-05-2025 5:11 PM

NORTHAMPTON — A project to remake Northampton’s downtown Main Street will not begin construction for at least another year, much to the delight of the project’s critics, who want the city to reevaluate the planned design.

Pinball revival: City brewery new local hub for vintage arcade game’s return to the spotlight

02-05-2025 3:25 PM

NORTHAMPTON — “It’s back. It’s back in a big way,” says Jamie Fleming, enthusing over the swelling popularity of pinball at Progression Brewery’s monthly pinball tournament — a competition that started underground in Fleming’s basement and has found a new home above ground as the vintage arcade games trend toward a revival.



Martin Konowitch: When should I worry and what can I do?
02-05-2025 10:38 PM

The current leader is a convicted felon, ultranationalist, anti-communist and anti-foreign, and is ultra pro-business. The current leader wants laws that bypass the Constitution. The current leader encouraged violence to get his way. The current leader believes in spreading lies and hate. The current leader wants to take over other nations.

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The joy of creating: Peacock’s Nest in Easthampton moves store to prominent Cottage Street location
01-30-2025 12:52 PM

EASTHAMPTON — Lauren Grover has become accustomed to encountering people who think they aren’t creative. They might say they can’t draw, can’t sculpt, can’t make some elaborate decor out of paper or paint or clay. She hears it all the time, but it never makes her any less sad.


Current front page for Daily Hampshire Gazette

Arts & Life

Arts Briefs: Ska in Easthampton, stories about food in Northampton, and more
02-05-2025 2:03 PM

It’s not often that we get to tell readers to skank to their hearts’ content, but that’s entirely the point of an upcoming event at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8: namely, “The 1st Annual NU England Ska Summit,” an all-ages festival celebrating ska and nu metal (which the event description jokingly calls “the two most respected genre’s [sic] of music”) at CitySpace in Easthampton.


Obit photo for Deborah C. DeLamotte Deborah C. DeLamotte

Easthampton, MA - Deborah C. (Zononi) DeLamotte, 69, passed away at Cooley Dickinson Hospital on February 2, 2025. Born on April 20, 1955, she is the daughter of Claire (Davio) Zononi, and the late Charles G. Zononi. Deb was raised in H... remainder of obit for Deborah C. DeLamotte

Obit photo for Eleanor J. Goodman Eleanor J. Goodman

Eleanor (Ellie) J. Goodman Northfield, MA - ELEANOR (Ellie) J. GOODMAN of Northfield, longtime counselor and teacher at Greenfield Community College, passed away on January 2, 2025, at 93. Born in Rupert, Idaho on June 8, 1931, Ellie was... remainder of obit for Eleanor J. Goodman

Obit photo for Kathleen Mitchell Kathleen Mitchell

Kathleen "Kathy" Mitchell Southampton, MA - Kathleen A. Mitchell, age 63, passed away at home on the farm, on Jan 30, 2025. She was born in Nashua NH, on May 22, 1961, the daughter of James and Juanita (Nartoff) Pranes. Kathy's life was... remainder of obit for Kathleen Mitchell

Obit photo for Carmen C. Ahearn Carmen C. Ahearn

Northampton, MA - After a long period of declining health Carmen C. Ahearn (nee Moehrke) passed away on February 2, 2025 in her home with her daughters at her side. Carmen was born on May 16, 1931 in Sheboygan WI to Herbert Moehrke and ... remainder of obit for Carmen C. Ahearn


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