A Look Back, April 27
Published: 04-26-2024 11:01 PM |
■For sale, that valuable farm and buildings which Martin Burt formerly owned, situated in the westerly part of Southampton. This farm, which contains 150 acres, and three years ago was appraised for cash at $3,200, will be offered and positively sold to the highest bidder at J. Curtis’ tavern in Northampton on Wednesday, the 28th, at 2 o’clock. Possession will be immediate.
■ A young man was recently convicted at Worcester of removing a human body from the grave, and sentenced to two months imprisonment. It is stated that when the discovery was made, the flesh was found mangled and thrown about on the ground, the skin secreted under some turf, and the bones in a garret.
■The presidential primaries opened in Memorial Hall at 11 o’clock this morning, and the women voters were in the majority today and have gone about their voting, as a man said who stood near the polls, “in a businesslike way.”
■The tailor shop of J. Dzwonik on the second floor of the Moriarty block at 26 Court Street, corner of King and Court streets, directly in the rear of the courthouse, which was recently purchased by the Northampton Hotel association, was totally destroyed by fire about five o’clock this morning.
■A local developer and a local architect last night took the wraps off plans for a solar-heated commercial condominium complex in Amherst. Philip Lehn is requesting special permits to allow restaurant, indoor amusement, apartment row houses and surface water impoundment uses on the premises at 800 Main St., at the corner of North East Street.
■Robert Czelusniak, Hampshire County Register of Deeds, has resigned from his position as a state Democratic committeeman. Czelusniak, who is a new co-owner of The Captain’s Table restaurant on Damon Road, said his reason for resigning was, “too much to do ... to do it correctly.”