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Book Bag: ‘When the World Didn’t End’: Growing up in a cult, Guinevere Turner got a skewed view of the world
09-08-2023 1:20 PM


When the World Didn’t EndBy Guinevere TurnerCrown Reading Guinevere Turner’s affecting coming-of-age memoir, “When the World Didn’t End,” you’re left with one thought in particular: How did this woman endure years of emotional and psychological trauma...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Making the cut: After years of ups and downs, screenwriter Nathan Graham Davis find his way to Hollywood
04-01-2023 10:00 AM


Years ago, when he signed up to take an online screenwriting class taught at Holyoke Community College, Nathan Graham Davis had no idea he might find himself eventually penning the script for a Hollywood thriller.And Davis, who lives in Easthampton,...

Another ARHS graduate helps write the script for the Oscar-nominated ‘Elvis’
03-06-2023 9:37 AM


AMHERST — The three Amherst High graduates who have had a hand in two Academy Award-nominated documentary films are not the only former students to shine at this year’s Oscars.Sam Bromell, a 2004 ARHS graduate, is one of the screenplay writers for...

Powerful ‘Dreams’: Pelham native’s film about a driven bodybuilder turns heads at Sundance
02-27-2023 8:52 AM


The idea first came to Elijah Bynum about four years ago when he was exercising in a California gym and noticed an ultra-serious bodybuilder, a guy who was “radiating intensity” as he went through his paces.“There was this really intense energy about...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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