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Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 178 total.

Le Petit Oiseau Bakery opens (camper) doors in Ashfield
05-29-2024 10:31 AM


ASHFIELD — Sita Bird and her husband have always loved vintage trailers. So after 15 years of self-taught baking and running an at-home special order baking business, Bird decided to renovate a 1963 camper and fill it with her homemade goods.The...

Valley Bounty: Resourceful and really delicious: The Upper Bend in Turners Falls serves classics with local seasonal add-ons
05-24-2024 1:25 PM


The Upper Bend Cafe and Bruncheonette in Turners Falls aims to be reliably amazing. That means serving familiar breakfast and lunch favorites while unleashing their creativity, squeezing every drop of goodness from farm-fresh local food.“Using as many...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Sheila Ryan of Florence
05-24-2024 11:13 AM

Sheila Ryan of Florence made this strawberry rhubarb pie with rhubarb from her friend Lora’s Leeds garden and “added the hearts as the pie was for a friend undergoing chemotherapy.”How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Louise Lucht of Northampton
05-17-2024 12:28 PM

This Lemon Ricotta Cheesecake was made by Louise Lucht of Northampton, who noted that “the grated lemon (peel and all) that went into the crust and filling made it tart and delicious.”How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Betsy Johnson of Shutesbury
05-10-2024 2:57 PM

Betsy Johnson of Shutesbury must have some very happy neighbors — she made these “apricot pistachio sweet buns with orangey cardamom glaze” to share with them. How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it with your name, town...

An artist with a green thumb: The creative vision and resilience of Kathleen Chapman, designer of Tuesday Market poster
05-09-2024 3:20 PM


Kathleen Chapman (“KC”) and I met under a clothesline near her patchwork garden behind McDonald House in downtown Northampton. I wanted to learn more about her artwork, what brought her to Northampton, and how she connected with Grow Food Northampton...

Valley Bounty: Delivering local food onto students’ plates: Marty’s Local connects farms to businesses
05-03-2024 1:50 PM


Nick Martinelli, CEO of Marty’s Local, began his career with a stint at the Farm School in Athol, hoping to learn how he might participate in the local agricultural economy. While conducting market research in 2015, he recognized there was a lot of...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week's winner: Tara Winters of Williamsburg
05-03-2024 1:48 PM

Tara Winters’ husband, Chris, makes “fantastic Buddha bowls” – this one features “basmati rice layered with sautéed baby spinach with garlic, homemade peanut sauce, and marinated, air fried tofu steaks.” How to enter: Snap a pic of something...

Primo Restaurant & Pizzeria in South Deerfield under new ownership
04-24-2024 9:59 AM


SOUTH DEERFIELD — After more than a decade in the previous owner’s hands, the Rodas family is taking the reins at Primo Restaurant & Pizzeria with plans to continue the eatery’s legacy.The new owners officially took over the pizza, sub and pasta shop...

Best Bites: A familiar feast: The Passover Seder traditions and tastes my family holds dear
04-19-2024 11:20 AM


Passover has always been my favorite Jewish holiday. The Passover Seder my parents host annually in my childhood house in Northampton has been the most festive and joyous meal of the year for as long as I can remember.My dad’s childhood Seders were...

There is a Season with Molly Parr: Crowd-pleasing potatoes: If you’re not smashing your potatoes, you’re missing out
04-19-2024 11:18 AM


Last column I wrote that I am currently on a pretty limited diet that cuts out certain types of carbs — FODMAP for short (the full acronym stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols). Well, it turns out that a...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Gayle Pemberton of Northampton
04-19-2024 11:14 AM

This pie, sent in by Gayle Pemberton of Northampton, has that perfect balance of both flavor and texture. The “delicious light chocolate inside,” she wrote, is “sprinkled with crust dust.”How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Nicholas Horton of Northampton
04-13-2024 8:01 AM

This week’s winner, Nicholas Horton of Northampton, made Ethiopian food at home with his daughter Nari Horton (also of Northampton) “with injera provided by a daughter visiting from Minneapolis.”Submit pics at features@gazettenet.com.

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Leslee Nuttelman of Florence
04-05-2024 2:03 PM

This very impressive-looking cake was sent in by Leslee Nuttelman of Florence. She says it’s “pistachio cake with a raspberry gelee filling and mascarpone whipped cream,” which sounds like the perfect combination of flavors. How to enter: Snap a pic...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Christine Adams of Northampton
03-29-2024 12:28 PM

This cheese and egg souffle, sent in by Christine Adams of Northampton, is picture perfect. The plate of cinnamon buns doesn’t look so bad either...How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it with your name, town and a sentence...

Valley Bounty: Central Chicopee no longer a food desert: Couple buys and revives Fruit Fair grocery by turning to local farms and vendors
03-29-2024 12:26 PM


Samaita (Sam) Newell is a first-generation immigrant from India. She met Jared Newell as a student in the five-college area. Following graduation and getting married, the young couple dreamed of buying a farm with a store.Without collateral, their...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Ethan Arsenault of Northampton
03-22-2024 9:51 AM

Readers, there is a future chef among us! These ravioli were made by 13-year-old Ethan Arsenault of Northampton. “For me, it’s about everything from scratch,” he said. “Homemade is always the best made.”How to enter: Snap a pic of something...

There is a Season with Molly Parr: A delicious soup, just not for me: Sharing this Hungarian Sweet and Sour Soup with Farro recipe so others may enjoy it
03-22-2024 9:50 AM


Have you ever loved something that hurt you? I’m not referring to a bad relationship — rather, a dish that you love, but your body hates? Maybe it’s something that gives you a headache, or makes your tummy uncomfortable. For me, it’s this sweet and...

Growing along with the land: Piyush Labhsetwar joins Grow Food Northamton as new farm and land stewardship manager
03-21-2024 2:08 PM


Visiting his great-uncle’s farm in central India was a “magical experience” for Piyush Labhsetwar, Grow Food Northampton’s new farm and land stewardship manager. He relishes memories of picking ripe mangoes and oranges, drinking fresh cow’s milk, and...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner: Erin Carey of Easthampton
03-15-2024 3:31 PM

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! To celebrate, Erin Carey of Easthampton served her son corned beef and cabbage dinner while he was home for spring break.How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it with your name, town and a sentence...

Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 178 total.

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