Arlene K. Seldin: School superintendent controversy a complex situation
Published: 07-30-2023 8:00 PM |
Having lived in Amherst for many years, I’ve always taken a deep interest in our local public schools … as a parent, educator, and longtime school volunteer. I think we can all agree … nothing about the administration of a large school system is black and white. Complexity is the name of the game, as is true for most big issues in our society.
When complex issues are discussed in broad strokes, my antennae go up. I fear Superintendent Michael Morris is a victim of that broad brush. He has a huge job requiring much delegating of responsibility. Embedded in the delegating lies much complexity.
We’ve all observed our society become more polarized in recent years. People often debate issues in terms of absolutes. That’s the easiest way to go. The real work is in stepping back, learning more, asking the right questions, stretching our thinking, and reserving judgment until more is learned. As we model critical thinking skills for our kids, we give them the best education of all.
Arlene K. Seldin
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