Nancy Polan: Applauds city’s climate change initiatives

Published: 03-14-2023 1:06 PM

The Northampton Area League of Women Voters applauds the Northampton City Council’s unanimous decision to form the Climate Action and Project Administration Department and set up a Climate Change Mitigation Stabilization Fund. In 2021 the city adopted an ambitious Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan, with the goal for all city operations to be carbon neutral by 2030, and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Chances of reaching their climate goals are much improved with the appointment of a new climate chief and centralized department.

Now is the time for robust action, beginning with the decarbonization of city government buildings and schools. Recently installed solar panels on some school roofs is a good start. Hopefully the climate action department is considering only fossil fuel free options for schools — geothermal or solar, or both? Solar on all school roofs or parking lots? Increasing our stock of affordable housing is a top priority. We urge the climate action department and town planners to require net zero buildings for all new affordable housing, both homes and rental units.

Contrary to popular belief, net-zero construction is not more expensive than buildings heated with fossil fuels. Net metering regulations and electricity pricing must be designed so that low-income renters benefit from the long-term savings generated by net-zero construction. Climate smart planning includes green infrastructure. Protect the legacy trees around Northampton and plant many more, building on the excellent work of the Northampton Tree Commission. Trees are our best allies for cooling the city, sequestering and storing carbon, controlling storm water, and attracting visitors to beautiful Northampton.

Let’s get to work, under the leadership of the climate action department, to transform Northampton into a truly climate resilient community. Change will be difficult and expensive. But we can’t afford not to act. This is an opportune time to take advantage of all the state and federal funds for climate smart projects.

Nancy Polan

Northamtpon Area League of Women Voters
