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Keyword search: immigrants

Crossing borders: Hadley author’s short story collection explores the human stories behind immigration
01-04-2024 5:45 PM


On the U.S.-Mexican border, a desperate mother sends her young daughter alone across a bridge over the Rio Grande to try make it into Texas. In New York City, a Jewish woman confronts the hole in her heart when she thinks of her former Muslim husband,...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Making a musical home: New album celebrates the work of immigrant jazz musicians
06-15-2023 3:34 PM


In 2019, Felipe Salles put the finishing touches on an ambitious project: an extended composition that blended jazz, Latin American music, and classical elements, all of it based on interviews he’d conducted with younger immigrants about what it was...

Old Harley-Davidson building in Southampton eyed for immigration stopover
06-14-2023 6:06 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — The orange-and-black former Harley-Davidson building is being considered as a temporary processing facility for legal immigrant families and others who might be displaced because of a natural disaster. Town Administrator Ed Gibson said...

Ways to support immigrants, refugees aired at Smith College conference
05-18-2017 9:06 AM


NORTHAMPTON — Since immigrating to the Pioneer Valley from Venezuela last year, Biani Salas has faced many of the obstacles that so many in her situation find in the United States: racism, workplace discrimination, language barriers and difficulty...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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