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Resilience, hope define South Hadley High School Class of 2024
06-01-2024 11:20 AM


SOUTH HADLEY — Sunlight beamed into the basin of Gettell Ampitheater at Mount Holyoke College on Friday evening as South Hadley High School’s class of 2024 exchanged handshakes and marched, two by two, into the next phase of their lives. Gathered...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 32 total.

Granby High’s Class of 2024: ‘You’re the greatest thing we’ve ever lost’
06-09-2024 4:31 PM

By Emilee Klein

GRANBY — When Dr. Dog’s “Where’d All the Time Go?” played from the speakers of the Edward Sullivan Gymnasium, the 48 graduates of Granby Junior Senior High School answered the question in the title of viral hit by throwing their caps in the air with...

Smith Academy Class of 2024 ‘small’ and ‘mighty’
06-09-2024 2:30 PM

By Elise Linscott

HATFIELD — At Smith Academy on Friday, 19 graduates walked step by step into the Sherry A. Webb Gymnasium while “Pomp and Circumstance” played on the piano. Dressed in purple and white caps and gowns, they took their seats on the stage in front of...

‘Contagious spirit’ shapes Hampshire Regional High School’s Class of 2024; 101 graduates say goodbye
06-09-2024 1:16 PM

By Lily Reavis

WESTHAMPTON — Hampshire Regional High School’s Class of 2024 is a collective of 101 artists, athletes, musicians, leaders, and scholars who graduated on Friday evening surrounded by a sea of proud family and friends on the school’s Dorunda Field.The...

Easthampton’s ‘warm cool’ class of 2024 met challenges head-on
06-08-2024 4:00 PM


EASTHAMPTON — Standing before Easthampton High School’s Class of 2024 on Friday evening, state Rep. Daniel Carey couldn’t help but remember his own senior year at the school, which he spent serving as class secretary, stocking the shelves at Big E’s,...

Hurricanes forever: 215 Amherst Regional High School graduates celebrate accomplishments, get ready to work for the future
06-08-2024 12:32 PM


AMHERST — As members of the 2024 class graduate from Amherst Regional High School, they will likely face adversity and be pushed to their limits in the years ahead. But Class President Neil Cunniffe, speaking during Friday’s graduation ceremony, told...

Belchertown High grads eager for next steps
06-07-2024 5:53 PM


BELCHERTOWN — In the high school gymnasium bustling with excitement and nerves in the thick, humid air, 155 seniors attempted a formal entrance to their graduation ceremony, but the single-file step-together-step sequence that students had rehearsed...

PVPA’s class of 2024 urged to play and work as they head into the world
06-07-2024 4:14 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Rather than advising his students to read a book a week the rest of their lives, or egg them on to achieve the impossible, Brent Nielsen rallied Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter School graduates on Thursday to preserve one of their...

Smith Voc commencement: Graduates ready for next steps
05-31-2024 5:05 PM


NORTHAMPTON — When the state’s Department of Agricultural Resources commissioner Ashley Randle took the podium at Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School’s football stadium in front of a crowd of hundreds of parents and families Thursday...

For 20 graduates, time to move on from PVCICS ‘family’
05-30-2024 4:29 PM


HADLEY — With cheers and flowers, thanks and praise, the 20 members of the senior class and their families celebrated graduation early Wednesday evening at the Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School’s eighth commencement, held in the school’s...

GCC grads mark start of ‘a lifelong pursuit of knowledge’
05-29-2024 3:25 PM


GREENFIELD — Cheers and cowbells rang aloud on Saturday as members of Greenfield Community College’s Class of 2024 marched between rows of flowers to the stage, collected their diplomas, and celebrated their success with their families and friends.GCC...

‘It’s time to gallop’: Deerfield Academy speakers share advice with 201 graduates
05-29-2024 2:04 PM


DEERFIELD — Speakers at Deerfield Academy’s commencement ceremony on Sunday shared jovial messages with the 201 graduates, including lessons that could be learned from a creative senior prank.Leila Govi, a Deerfield Academy alumna who graduated in...

Spreading the wealth of wisdom: Smith College to have 5 keynote speakers at 2024 graduation
02-26-2024 2:00 PM


NORTHAMPTON — In a break from tradition, Smith College’s graduating class of 2024 will not have one keynote speaker during May’s commencement but five different honorees who will offer parting wisdom for students looking to begin the first steps of...

‘This is only the beginning’: The Care Center graduates 15 young mothers
07-02-2023 9:55 AM


HOLYOKE — Donning a violet mortarboard and gown on a sweltering June afternoon in the back garden of the Wistariahurst Museum, Destiny Bermudez stood confidently at a podium and smiled.Facing a number of trials during her teenage years, the Bronx...

Amherst-Pelham graduates commit to meeting challenges, reflect on accomplishments
06-11-2023 9:20 AM


AMHERST — Krish Poudel speaks proudly about the Amherst-Pelham Regional High School Class of 2023, both for the many accomplishments its members faced and for how they dealt with the numerous challenges thrown in their way over the last four years....

‘The world needs you’: GCC celebrates 135 graduates
06-06-2023 9:29 AM


GREENFIELD — While it was a gloomy Saturday afternoon, no amount of cloud cover could block out the bright futures of the 135 Greenfield Community College graduates.Speaking to the graduates in front of their loved ones under a tent on the school’s...

Easthampton High grads bound for the real world
06-05-2023 5:56 PM

By Mercy Lingle

EASTHAMPTON — As she built up to the chorus of the song she wrote for Easthampton High School’s commencement, Emmalyse Wozniak sang the lyrics, “We’re graduating high school now, real-world bound,” alongside English teacher Michael Demento, who played...

‘We’ll always be Devils’: Northampton High says goodbye to the Class of 2023
06-05-2023 5:48 PM


NORTHAMPTON — The unusually cool weather Sunday did wonders for the packed house inside John M. Greene Hall celebrating Northampton High School’s 157th graduation. On many occasions held this time of year, families would be fanning themselves up in...

Smith Academy bids adieu to graduates
06-05-2023 5:46 PM

HATFIELD — Smith Academy officially sent off its 23 graduates from the Class of 2023 in an indoor ceremony at the school on Friday night. The 2023 class officers were Hadley Szynal, president; Charlotte Cavanaugh, vice president; and Story Goldman,...

Hampshire Regional sends off its graduates
06-05-2023 5:46 PM

Staff Report

WESTHAMPTON — Hampshire Regional High School officially sent off its 100 graduates from the Class of 2023 in an outdoor ceremony on Saturday night. Salutatorian Riley Smith and Valedictorian Ellia Masenior were the featured guest speakers. For more...

‘Continue to make us proud’: Spirits high as Smith Voc grads step off
06-02-2023 4:49 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Friends and family members joined the celebration Thursday evening as 126 seniors graduated under sunny skies from Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School.Thanking his parents, family, friends “and my cat, Elvis,” salutatorian Seth...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 32 total.

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