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Planting hope in the garden: Artist Carrie Mae Weems, who named a peony for W.E.B. Du Bois, dreamed of a memorial garden
02-07-2025 10:44 AM


In 2013, the widely acclaimed artist Carrie Mae Weems — a charismatic artist, activist and educator, known for installations, videos and photographs that invite the viewer to reflect on issues of race, gender and class — was among 10 artists commissioned to participate in “Du Bois in Our Time,” an exhibition I curated when I was director of the University Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 55 total.

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: How Emily’s flowers grew year-round: A brief history of indoor gardens
01-17-2025 9:48 AM


Although Emily Dickinson is now considered one of America’s greatest poets, during her lifetime she was better known for her horticultural skills, as Dickinson scholar Judith Farr has observed. From a young age Dickinson was fascinated by the natural world. She enjoyed helping her mother in the gardens that she kept both at the Dickinson Homestead and the house the Dickinson family lived in for several years on North Pleasant Street where Ren’s Mobil Station now stands. During her year at Mary Lyon’s Female Seminary (1847-48), now Mount Holyoke College, she studied botany and made an extensive herbarium, a collection of pressed flowers and plants from the local area, that eventually contained more than 400 specimens. A family friend is said to have commented, “Emily had an uncanny knack of making even the frailest growing things flourish.”

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: A garden in winter need not be dreary: Plants that will enliven your garden in winter
12-18-2024 1:54 PM


It’s not unusual these cold gray days to despair over the appearance of our gardens. It wasn’t so long ago that late-blooming asters and brilliant foliage punctuated the landscape. Now that I’m leaving garden cleanup until spring to help feed and...

Get Growing: UMass calendar brings another reckoning
11-15-2024 9:34 AM

The 2025 UMass Garden Calendar comes out every fall, just as we are putting our gardens to bed for the winter. As always, the calendar is a must-have for gardeners. It gives daily tips on indoor and outdoor gardening and other related subjects,...

Closer than Mumbai: Inaugural Bollywood film series comes to Greenfield Garden Cinemas every second Monday
10-23-2024 3:24 PM


Vidhi Salla, a radio host, author and journalist whose focus is on Indian cultural arts, is pioneering the introduction of Bollywood to New England theaters.Salla grew up in Mumbai and studied literature before moving to southern Vermont in 2018 to...

Step into a ‘Secret Garden’ full of monsters: Inside Monster Arts Project in Eastworks, ‘the fear factor is upstaged by fun’
10-16-2024 1:18 PM


Imaginary creatures large and small lurk among the leaves as visitors wander through the secret garden that has sprouted in Eastworks. Standing within the Monster Arts Project, it’s easy to forget that the mystical paintings, sculptures, oddities and...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: Appreciating the aster: The cheerful, abundant flowers will persist until hard frosts set in
10-11-2024 10:03 AM


Many gardens go drab this time of year after summer flowers have faded away. But in fields and along roadsides, swaths of native asters add explosions of color to the transitioning landscape, with their golden centered, star-shaped flowers ranging...

Valley Bounty: Beans are her thing: Five years in, Heather McCann of Rustic Outlook Farm has launched her own bean club
10-04-2024 2:30 PM


When Heather McCann founded her farm, Rustic Outlook, in 2020, she picked a niche that few local farmers have chosen. She decided to make beans her thing.Dry beans, specifically. They’re a pantry staple that lasts for years and a delicious part of...

You oughta see these pictures: Greenfield Garden Cinemas launches Talking Talkies series of essential 1930s films
09-13-2024 2:12 PM


As the Greenfield Garden Cinemas was completed in the late 1920s, Hollywood was introducing a novel idea into more and more movies: sound. In 2024, cinema co-owner Isaac Mass and local movie historian Jonathan Boschen are offering an opportunity to...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: Time for a garden makeover: Seek help from professionals to see the big picture
09-13-2024 2:11 PM


Late summer isn’t a pretty time in the garden, at least not in my garden. The recent mini-drought has bleached out what passes for lawn, several large hydrangeas are drooping as they beg me for water, the daylily borders are shriveled and brown....

Prepare to be horrified: Greenfield Garden Cinemas to screen 25 films over five weeks for Stephen King Film Festival
08-23-2024 12:47 PM


In an effort to bring movie buffs from throughout the region into the city, the Garden Cinemas, and, subsequently, Greenfield City Council, have declared the month of September “Stephen King Month.”From Aug. 30 to Oct. 4, Garden Cinemas will show 25...

An old garden’s revival: Path at former Belchertown State School a labor of love for the volunteers who maintain it
08-19-2024 4:55 PM


BELCHERTOWN — The only structure that appeared still intact from the first superintendent’s home at the Belchertown State School was a century-old stone wall outlining a small grassy plot at 47 State St.At least that’s what residents believed until...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: You say tomato: A brief history of the fruit (or vegetable)
08-09-2024 12:36 PM


It’s August and in my household that means one thing: local tomatoes. For much of the year, our grocery stores offer tomatoes tough enough to endure machine picking followed by days or weeks in cold storage. Even the more expensive, so-called...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: A plant that’s sure to turn heads: Acanthus plants inspired classical Greek architecture
07-18-2024 11:57 AM


Anyone with a passing knowledge of art history is familiar with the acanthus plant, whether they know it or not. The acanthus leaf, broad and serrated, is the decorative motif on the capital of the classical Corinthian column, more ornate than the...

Speaking of Nature: Selective mowing: Finding the right balance of how much and how often to cut back the grass
07-09-2024 1:17 PM


I think it is safe to say that most everyone is familiar with the notion of something called “No Mow May.” Basically, the concept promotes the idea that all mowing be put on hold during the month of May in order to allow our pollinators to get the...

A blooming movement: Pollinator gardens proliferate as homeowners, others look to create ecosystems on their properties
06-24-2024 5:36 PM


FLORENCE — Morey Phippen and Brian Adams’ yard looks nothing like the traditional blanket of green grass associated with suburban lawns.Instead, bumblebees and butterflies bob and weave around her destined for the nearby foxglove, pink primrose, red...

Valley Bounty: From seed to vase: At Passalongs Farm and Florist in Florence, Adrienne Bashista grows and designs custom floral arrangements
06-21-2024 10:32 AM


“In a different life, I think I would have been an artist from the beginning,” says Adrienne Bashista, owner of Passalongs Farm and Florist. “I wasn’t forbidden from a career in art, it just didn’t occur to me. But now in my 50s, I’ve realized what I...

Valley Bounty: Pea time is upon us: Dave’s Natural Garden in Granby grows a variety of the seasonal favorite
06-14-2024 11:32 AM


After the cold of winter in New England, spring on our region’s farms is a treat for the senses. While locals may argue over whether asparagus or strawberries declare the arrival of spring, Meghan Hastings, owner and farm manager of Dave’s Natural...

Get Growing with Mickey Rathbun: ‘This is my playground’: Saturday’s Northampton Garden Tour grants access to six beautiful home gardens
06-07-2024 12:38 PM


I recently heard about a practice called Forest Bathing, which involves spending a few hours in a forest, or at least a sheltered patch of trees, and allowing one’s awareness to settle on all the immediate sensory surroundings. Forest Bathing is...

Panel discusses local efforts to combat sexual exploitation of minors
05-31-2024 2:35 PM


GREENFIELD — Authorities in Hampshire and Franklin counties spelled out how they are combating sexual exploitation of minors as part of a community education initiative Wednesday, with experts saying that a special emphasis is placed on fighting...

Sex trafficking documentary to screen at Greenfield Garden Cinemas
05-28-2024 10:42 AM

GREENFIELD — A free screening of the Frontline documentary “Sex Trafficking in America” will be offered at Garden Cinemas on Wednesday, May 29, at 6 p.m.The screening is part of a community education initiative undertaken by the Northwestern District...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 55 total.

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