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Fests to feel good attending: River Roads Festival, Sept. 7, and Arcadia Folk Festival, Aug. 23-24, center on environmental causes
08-16-2024 2:36 PM


Nature has served as an artistic muse for centuries, so it’s no surprise that music and environmental activism have historic connections.Two music festivals returning to Easthampton this summer embody the relationship between the natural and musical...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

Bring on the summer music and arts: Concert series and more return to Hadley and Huntington
06-07-2024 12:33 PM


Summer brings outdoor music as well as any number of artistic performances, including theater, literary readings, dances and more.And it’s not just big blowout events like the Green River Festival.In Hadley, the Porter-Phelps-Huntington Museum has...

Arts Briefs: Dance festival and a one-woman play in Northampton, summer music fests in Easthampton, and more
05-09-2024 12:58 PM

Dance festival, encoreNORTHAMPTON — A week after 33 Hawley hosted an extensive dance festival, the city’s community arts center is set to stage another one.On May 10-11, Friday and Saturday, the School for Contemporary Dance & Thought (SCDT) is...

Painting a more complete picture: ‘Unnamed Figures’ highlights Black presence and absence in early American history
04-18-2024 3:17 PM


In partnership with the American Folk Art Museum, Historic Deerfield is presenting an exhibition on the unexplored histories of Black people in early America.“Unnamed Figures: Black Presence and Absence in the Early American North” explores Black...

The risk in revealing: 2023 Grammy winner Madison Cunningham comes to Northampton
04-11-2024 10:19 AM


Madison Cunningham, who comes to Northampton’s Academy of Music April 19, won the 2023 Grammy Award for Best Folk Album, for her 2022 release, “Revealer.”In fact, Cunningham, who grew up in southern California and still lives there, also has won...

Arts Briefs: An Emily Dickinson drama in Holyoke, a closing art exhibit in Amherst, and more
01-05-2024 9:22 AM

The poet Emily in the Paper CityHOLYOKE — MIFA Victory Theatre is combining forces with the Emily Dickinson Museum and a New York theater company for a fresh look at The Belle of Amherst and her poetic legacy.“Because I Could Not Stop: An Encounter...

Hoping for a drier September: Three outdoor music festivals on tap for Easthampton toward summer’s end
08-07-2023 8:45 AM


July was a challenging month for outdoor music shows, with the heavy rain that flooded local farms and roads also washing out some concerts and threatening others.Organizers for upcoming music festivals in Easthampton are hoping things dry out by...

The Beat Goes On: A musical tribute to Kate Lorenz, a potpourri of sounds at the Bombyx Center, and more
05-11-2023 4:43 PM


The Valley’s music scene lost a well-known and well-liked voice last July when Kate Lorenz unexpectedly died of heart failure. Lorenz, who lived in Belchertown, had originally been part of the Amherst folk-rock band Rusty Belle in the early 2000s with...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

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