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Keyword search: Forestry

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

Students on forests’ front lines: Pilot program trains next generation to control invasive plants, protect and plant trees
08-01-2024 6:21 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — On a woody hillside in a 100-plus-acre private parcel, Phoebe Weinberg, her face blocked by a shield attached to her hard helmet, begins dismantling an autumn olive growing over a red oak sapling. The roar of the chainsaw covers the...

Tree wreckers causing havoc: Spongy moth, emerald ash borer killing off oak and ash populations in area towns
04-01-2024 5:05 PM


GRANBY — The trees along the roadsides in Granby keep disappearing.Resident Cheryl Funk first noticed the phenomena during daily trips past West Street Cemetery, where trees that had long greeted mourners were suddenly gone. Then she realized the tree...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

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