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Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 161 total.

Trump defeats Haley in South Carolina primary, extending sweep of early states
02-25-2024 12:15 AM

By Josh Dawsey, Dylan Wells, Isaac Arnsdorf

COLUMBIA, S.C. - Donald Trump extended his sweep of the early contests with a victory in South Carolina, defeating the state’s former two-term governor, Nikki Haley, as he marches to the Republican nomination.The Associated Press projected Trump the...

June dates set for big school vote in Belchertown
02-21-2024 11:58 AM

By Emilee Klein

BELCHERTOWN — Voters in June will get their say whether to authorize funding for a new $121 million Jabish Brook Middle School, now that the Select Board has selected dates for a special election and special Town Meeting to take place about a month...

South Hadley Candidates Night set for Thursday
02-17-2024 3:31 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — Residents will have one night this year to meet the candidates running for local office and both Fire Districts in the upcoming town election.Know Your Town of South Hadley will sponsor and moderate the Candidates Night on Thursday at...

Library trustees is only contested race in South Hadley election
01-30-2024 1:53 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — All but four candidates who returned election papers by Jan. 16 will run unopposed in March’s town election, with many familiar faces on the ballot for Select Board, town moderator and town assessors.The position of trustee of the...

Trump wins Iowa’s leadoff caucuses
01-15-2024 10:11 PM

By The Associated Press

Donald Trump has won Iowa’s leadoff presidential caucuses.The former president’s victory on Monday night gives him a strong start in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination as the contest moves to New Hampshire.Former U.N. Ambassador...

House approves paid time off for Election Day voting
12-18-2023 10:43 AM


BOSTON — Seeking to remove more barriers to voting, the House approved legislation last week allowing employees to take paid time off on Election Day to cast their ballots in person.Without discussion, lawmakers passed the bill (H 4217) during an...

Deerfield voters shoot down road repair borrowing authority
12-07-2023 11:23 AM


DEERFIELD — In a narrow vote with light turnout on Tuesday, residents rejected the authorization of up to $5 million for road repairs around Deerfield, 195-191.The rejected Proposition 2½ debt exclusion would have authorized the town to borrow money...

Positions in Northampton filled for Oliver Smith Will, Forbes Library trustees and preservation committee
11-19-2023 3:01 PM


NORTHAMPTON — After successfully unseating longtime incumbent David Murphy as elector for the Oliver Smith Will in the 2021 municipal election, Mary Odgers this year held off a challenge from Murphy to hold onto her position in the latest municipal...

Stein, Rothenberg win City Council, School Committee seats in Northampton
11-10-2023 10:41 AM


NORTHAMPTON — In addition to at-large positions on the City Council and School Committee, voters in Tuesday’s election also decided races for the council’s Ward 3 seat and School Committee’s Ward 4 seat.Michael Stein, the incumbent Ward 4 committee...

Special election date set for road repair funding in Deerfield
11-09-2023 3:21 PM


DEERFIELD — The Select Board has set the special election date for a Proposition 2½ debt-exclusion vote to decide if the town should move forward with authorizing up to $5 million in borrowing authority to pay for road repairs following July...

Two incumbents joined by three newcomers on Amherst School Committee
11-08-2023 4:30 PM


AMHERST — Two incumbent School Committee members will be joined by three newcomers following Tuesday’s town election, according to unofficial results from the town clerk’s office.Incumbent member Irv Rhodes earned the most votes at the election,...

Sitting Easthampton School Committee members prevail, will be joined by 2 newcomers
11-08-2023 1:52 PM


EASTHAMPTON — January brings a new era for the School Committee, whose six members elected Tuesday will seek to turn the page after a controversial spring in which two members quit over the handling of a failed superintendent hire. Voters on Election...

Most Amherst council returnees hold off challengers: Nine of 13 elected town councilors endorsed by PAC Amherst Forward
11-08-2023 1:52 PM


AMHERST — Five members of the Town Council who have served continuously since it was seated in fall 2018 fended off challenges at Tuesday’s town election, according to unofficial results from the town clerk’s office.Both Lynn Griesemer and Pat De...

Easthampton voters back multi-winner ranked choice voting
11-08-2023 12:40 PM


EASTHAMPTON — At Tuesday’s election, voters voiced their support for multi-winner ranked-choice voting in future city elections, in a nonbinding ballot question that received 1,721 votes in favor and 1,066 votes against.Multi-winner ranked-choice...

Elkins, Perry win at-large seats on Northampton council; Agna, Davis to retain at-large positions on School Committee
11-08-2023 12:34 PM


NORTHAMPTON — A pair of current city councilors — Marissa Elkins and Garrick Perry — swept aside two challengers in Tuesday’s municipal election to capture the at-large positions on the City Council, based on unofficial results. Elkins, an at-large...

Newcomers Smith, Tirrell elected to Easthampton City Council
11-08-2023 10:46 AM


EASTHAMPTON — While the makeup of City Council will remain largely the same going into the next term, voters on Tuesday elected two new faces to the council: Jason “JT” Tirrell for at-large councilor and Tamara Smith for Precinct 5.This year’s...

Voters face key decisions in municipal elections on Tuesday
11-05-2023 10:59 AM

By Scott Merzbach, Maddie Fabian and Alexander MacDougall

Voters in three Hampshire County towns face key decisions for the future of their legislative branches on Tuesday, when Amherst, Northampton and Easthampton hold municipal elections to select new councilors, school committee members, library trustees...

City budget, override focus of Northampton forum for at-large council candidates
11-02-2023 7:10 PM


NORTHAMPTON — With a budget override looming for Northampton, spending and money dominated a significant portion of the conversation at a Wednesday forum featuring the four candidates running for two at-large positions on the City Council.Candidates...

Northampton’s at-large candidates for School Committee discuss budget, MCAS and more at forum
11-02-2023 5:59 PM


NORTHAMPTON — Elimination of MCAS testing, declining enrollment and the school budget were some of the topics discussed by candidates for the Northampton School Committee’s at-large seats during a forum held Wednesday night at John F. Kennedy Middle...

Williamsburg voters to pick new Select Board member on Saturday
11-02-2023 1:11 PM

By Sophie Hauck

WILLIAMSBURG — Three candidates for Williamsburg Select Board will go toe-to-toe Saturday in a special election to fill one vacant seat on the three-person panel. Richard Kisloski, Patrick Sumner and Paul Wetzel are running to fill the vacancy left...

Displaying articles 61 to 80 out of 161 total.

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