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Ronald Moody: Superintendent decision ‘tyrannical’
04-04-2023 5:54 PM

When the vitriolic woke policies of the ultra-liberal left allow clear discrimination against qualified job applicants as in the case of school superintendent candidate Vito Perrone, then we truly have reverted to a fascist state where tyrannical...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Guest columnist Jonathan Klein: John Olver’s impact will endure 
03-08-2023 6:25 PM


John Olver was a complicated guy. Like a rare gem, he had many sparkling facets. Providing a full portrait of John with any degree of brevity is impossible. He was sui generis, one of a kind.Much has been written since his passing about his...

Powerful ‘Dreams’: Pelham native’s film about a driven bodybuilder turns heads at Sundance
02-27-2023 8:52 AM


The idea first came to Elijah Bynum about four years ago when he was exercising in a California gym and noticed an ultra-serious bodybuilder, a guy who was “radiating intensity” as he went through his paces.“There was this really intense energy about...

Pictures of possibility: Exhibit by acclaimed illustrator Christian Robinson aims to help children explore the variety life offers
01-26-2023 4:08 PM


Illustrator and children’s book author Christian Robinson calls his website “The Art of Fun,” and it seems an appropriate title. Robinson’s colorful and whimsical art — a mix of detailed collage, acrylic paint and colored pencil — transmits the sense...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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