A Look Back

Jim Bridgman
Published: 03-12-2024 7:01 AM |
■Like hula hoops and bicycle streamers, Wacky Packages, a fad that tore through the local 10-year-old set starting a year ago, is fast becoming ancient history. But after the fad of collecting the stick-on cards known as Wacky Packages is long gone, the memory will remain — on local bedposts, bicycles crossbars, elementary school desks and book covers.
■Thieves in Easthampton cleaned out the entire narcotics supply at Bolduc’s Pharmacy early Wednesday morning. The local narcotics cabinet was emptied by the intruders who entered the store by breaking the glass in the front door. Other drugs were also taken from the shelves.
■An anonymous good Samaritan has donated money to the Leeds School to help compensate two students who were bilked out of $20 by a counterfeiter last week. A man came into the school office and handed the secretary $20, telling her the money was to go to the field trip fund students have been raising money for by selling candy bars.
■A group of parents took in a barrage of racist, homophobic, misogynist and violent music and images Wednesday at the Ryan Road School. The point to the session, according to presenter Dan Frazell, a police officer in Bangor, Maine, was to make parents aware of the ideas to which their children are being exposed.
■Mark Summa and Tekla Kostek recently opened the Summana Center for Healing, which combines the healing arts and pole dancing, at 6 Trumbull Road. The pair merge counseling, body work and psychic healing into something called “mystical energetics.”
■While town and university officials huddled Monday for post-mortems of Saturday’s Blarney Blowout, some 30 college-age people answered to criminal charges connected to the pre-St. Patrick’s Day mayhem. And that was just the beginning. More court appearances are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday because Eastern Hampshire District Court could not handle all the cases in one day.