A Look Back: Dec. 2
Published: 12-01-2023 11:00 PM |
■E.H. Mills & J.H. Ashmun of Northampton have formed a connection in professional business as Counselors and Attorneys at Law. The old clients of Mr. Mills, and the public in general, may be assured that any concerns left in their management will receive the most prompt and careful attention.
■The Dispatch line of stages has commenced running on the winter arrangement this day. The stages leave Northampton and New Haven every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9 o’clock, and arrive at Hartford the same days at 5 P.M. For seats, apply at Lyman’s Inn, Northampton.
■The first lucky hunter from Northampton seems to be William Brooks of Florence, who shot a good-sized buck in Chesterfield yesterday. William Keating, who went out to Worthington with Frank S. Parsons and party, shot a 250-pound, eight-pronged buck yesterday.
■Friends will be interested to hear that Mrs. Kathryn Sennett, formerly of Northampton, is now visiting her son, Mack Sennett, the well-known motion picture producer, at his home in Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Sennett will spend the winter in California with her son, as she has done for several years.
■Only a handful of gasoline stations were open in Hampshire and Hampden counties yesterday, and although a local auto club reported only one distress call from a motorist out of gas, police reported many. Northampton police received “at least 30” calls from people who were out of gas yesterday.
■Michael Chinoy will be the guest speaker at an assembly at Northampton High School on Tuesday. A native of Northampton, Chinoy graduated from Northampton High School in 1970. Fluent in Chinese, he traveled to the People’s Republic of China with a group of young Americans, visiting communes, factories, hospitals, schools, coal mines and talking with the people in nine cities.