Mike Quinlan Sr.: Trump’s lies embarassing
Published: 07-03-2024 2:58 PM |
After watching the presidential debate last week, it is very disheartening to hear political pundits and others call for Joe Biden to drop out of the race for president. Donald Trump spent the whole 90 minutes telling lie after lie, and not one pundit has called for him to drop out of the race. It had to be very difficult for Biden to refute the lies coming out of Trump’s mouth at a record pace. CNN fact checked the debate afterwards and stated that Trump told over 100 lies in 90 minutes. When someone is lying that fast where do you begin to fight back? The debate was an absolute embarrassment to our country, not because of Joe Biden, but because of a narcissistic, racist who can’t control himself on the biggest stage. Republican supporters should be absolutely embarrassed to have Trump represent their party.
Mike Quinlan Sr.