Bill Beckett: Farmers deserve support in struggle

Lum3n/via Pexels

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 11-25-2023 7:45 AM

Kudos, and many thanks, are due to Jacob Nelson and the Daily Hampshire Gazette for bringing us the voices of local farmers Sarah Voiland, DeWitt Thomson, and Denise Barstow-Mainz [“On the front lines of climate change: Farmers work to mitigate their climate impacts and become more resilient,” Gazette, No,v 18].

The work of farmers is 24/7, and they rarely have time to tell us the ways climate change is already affecting our food supply. We need their information. And we need their local produce that does not depend on jet fuel to reach us.

Farmers deserve our support in their daily battle mitigating against extremes in weather. 

Bill Beckett


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