Kate Cell: Loss of climate expert concerning

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Published: 11-20-2023 6:30 PM |
I read with concern the story about Susanne Moser’s decision to leave the Hadley Climate Change Committee [“Climate panel member quits,” Gazette, Nov. 7. Being repeatedly confronted by climate misinformation, as Moser, and I, and indeed anyone who works for climate change action have been, is immensely frustrating.
As a public official in my town, I don’t condone swearing in a public meeting. However, I also see the same disinforming myths reused and recycled, but never reduced, often by people who do not know that these myths were originated and are perpetuated by the fossil fuel industry, which profits from continued inaction on climate change.
Meanwhile, the window closes on our opportunity to preserve a planet we can recognize and adapt to. This is a true obscenity.
The town of Hadley was beyond fortunate to have an internationally recognized climate scientist like Moser, whom I know professionally, on its committee. I hope the committee can continue to listen to climate scientists and other climate experts and both limit the town’s carbon footprint and help it prepare for the impacts we can no longer avoid.
Kate Cell