Gail and Steve Herman: Open dialogue critical to understanding Israel-Palestinian conflict

Lum3n/via Pexels

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 11-14-2023 2:36 PM

As we sit here, we are realizing how frustrated and saddened we are about the bombings of Israel and Gaza. We read a very good column by Adin Maynar printed in the Oct. 20 Gazette [“American Jews must speak out against the bombing of innocents”] as well as other letters about the conflict.

We would like the Gazette to continue its environment where people can share and exchange views without vitriol. We are thankful that we live in a community that has a newspaper that allows open views to be shared with neighbors.

The Hamas-Israel conflict has many aspects that need open communication in order to be considered or understood. We are moved that open dialogue has begun. We have to understand feelings and opinions on all sides. We hope your open policy continues.

Gail and Steve Herman


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