Robert J. Kelly and Janine W. Kelly: New training should start with School Committee, administrators
Published: 08-09-2023 2:30 PM |
As longtime Amherst residents and retired Amherst school educators with a combined service of 67 years, we feel compelled to express our concerns about the current climate regarding the LGBTQIA+ community. Over the years of our employment in Amherst, we attended many inservice workshops on a variety of issues. Some were productive and many were of limited value.
A new plan of action has been proposed by the superintendent which focuses on training for teachers. Since the teaching staff is likely the most valuable resource regarding what changes are needed to better meet the needs of students and their families, we hope the teachers’ ideas have been included in this proposal and not dismissed. Given the recent revelations in the press about lack of support and concern for the LGBTQIA+ students, perhaps the training should start with the School Committee and administration. If and when the School Committee is free to move forward on its current challenge, it might want to address the declining enrollment over the recent years. Where have all the students gone?
Robert J. Kelly and Janine W. Kelly
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