John Sheehan: A country of immigrants

Janson A via Pexels

Published: 05-07-2024 1:52 PM

We are a country of immigrants: for immigrants, of immigrants, built by immigrants, often giving their lives for our country, working hard, paying into Social Security but not eligible to receive any.

Creating more immigrants every day by giving bombs to military like the IDF to destroy, to terrorize, to drive people out of their homes, out of their country. Often we send them back in the military, fighting for our country but rejecting them when they return here.

Technically we should not say “our country.” “We” came from Europe and other places and killed, robbed, and destroyed Native Americans and their homes; and brought slaves from Africa and other places and forced them to work for no money. This litany could go on forever.

You get the point: We have a history of injustice and maltreatment of immigrants. We all know there can be no peace without justice.

John Sheehan

Southampton, son of immigrant parents