A Look Back, Aug. 10
Published: 08-09-2024 11:01 PM |
■On Aug. 3, lightning struck a tree near the house of Mr. Daniel Kellogg, on South Street in Hadley, and passed from the tree to the house, which it entered near a corner post, and then descended upon a clock which it broke to shivers. The persons in the room were not much injured.
■The annual meeting of the Hampshire Missionary Society will be holden in Northampton on Thursday of next week. The exercises will begin at two o’clock, P.M., with a sermon by the Rev. Moses Miller, of Heath. This society has done much to promote the cause of Zion, and its efforts have been signally successful. It should be liberally supported.
■The last group of boys left the city today to spend a week at Camp Coolidge, Lake Norwich, Huntington. The camp quota will be at its full capacity until it is broken a week hence. Camp Coolidge has proved a most gratifying enterprise this year, members of the Chamber of Commerce believe.
■There were eleven farmers today stationed with their green vegetables, potatoes, fruit, fowl, chickens, and eggs in the community market. Early morning crowds were liberal purchasers of the produce. Cranberry shell beans sold for 25 cents for two quarts. There was some corn at 40 cents a dozen.
■Four local youths are conducting a “swing-a-thon” to raise funds for the Jimmy Fund. Recreation department official say that Michael Pekar, Timothy and Michael Naumowicz and James Landry, the four swingers, are all in good health.
■Elizabeth Grossman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grossman, was an award-winner in the Mary Ellen Chase Memorial Writing contest this summer at the Smith-Northampton Summer School. Miss Grossman received first prize in poetry in the intermediate division.