A Look Back: July 22

Published: 07-23-2023 9:27 AM

200 Years Ago

■In Southampton, Mass., the religious revival continues — the number of converts is estimated at 200. In Easthampton the number is 100; most of them have united with the church. In Westhampton the work of grace is going on. In Northampton between 30 and 40, principally young people, are thought to have passed from death until life.

■Died, at Hadley, on the 15th inst. Mr. George Hibbard, aged 77. He had 16 children, 109 grandchildren, and 51 great-grandchildren, he was the progenitor of the greater part of the neighborhood called Upper Mills, in Hadley.

100 Years Ago

■J.W. Silwa & Co., civil engineers of Northampton, have been awarded the contract of laying out the new Polish cemetery in Easthampton. The plot of ground, which takes in about 8 acres, is situated a short distance from the center of the town, on the College Highway.

■Charles J. Starkus of Leeds has passed his physical examination and has been admitted as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, according to word received here today. Starkus graduated from Northampton High School last month.

50 Years Ago

■Deborah Ann Dowling, 21, of North St., was named a preliminary winner in the Miss Massachusetts Pageant at Attleboro last night. She topped a field of 23 contestants in swim-suit presentation.

■Hampshire County residents found the future of food prices one of the most burning issues this week after learning Wednesday of President Nixon’s new Phase 4 controls. Confusion reigned in the minds of local food economists, farmers, and supermarket executives alike.
