Erica Avery: Column on gender care for children opens discussion

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 12-25-2024 11:13 PM

Thank you for publishing Karen Bercovici’s guest column on gender care for children [“We need to rethink ‘gender-affirming care’ for our children,” Nov. 14], and the responses to it, many of which amount to “Don’t talk about this.” But anyone who cares about gender-questioning kids should welcome open discussion and careful scrutiny.

The stakes are so high. Bercovici mentions detransitioners, who at one time thought they were trans but changed their minds. So we know it’s possible for children to mistakenly think they are trans. It’s important that we learn to identify those who would have come to regret their decision, before their healthy bodies are permanently damaged by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or even the surgical removal of their genitals.

We have never in human history seen children identifying as trans in the numbers that we see today. We are told that this is because they finally feel safe to come out. But at the same time, we are told that trans kids are under constant attack from an avalanche of right-wing hate. It seems like we should figure out what is happening. “Just let people live their lives” sounds good. But not when it comes to children, who by their nature are not competent to understand the implications of their decisions.

Gender nonconformity is beautiful. It should be celebrated, not medicalized. Boys who like “girl things” are not “really girls.” Girls who are uncomfortable with their changing bodies are not “really boys.” Troubled kids need adults who will look out for them, and the freedom to be themselves without drugs or surgery. That’s how to let people live their lives.

Erica Avery
