Guest columnist Laurie Loisel: What’s spurring my run for City Council

Downtown Northampton over Main Street.

Downtown Northampton over Main Street. STAFF FILE PHOTO


Published: 02-03-2025 7:01 AM


Supporters of my candidacy have sent to the Gazette a press release announcing my intention to seek the Northampton City Council seat for Ward 3, where I’ve lived for more than three decades. I’ll explain here why I’ve decided to run for office. A strong, well-functioning local government fosters a sense of community well-being and serves as a responsible steward of our land, buildings and other resources for future generations.

We won’t all agree on how to prioritize limited resources and what to do about rising inflation and diminishing state and federal aid — challenges over which municipalities have little control. Elected leaders and city residents must engage in spirited discussions about community needs and priorities so those elected to office can make decisions about those priorities.

In recent months, as I’ve been considering running for a council seat, I’ve attended meetings to better understand the city’s long- and short-term financial situation and the political landscape. I learned that many people in Ward 3 do not feel heard or represented, and they are distraught over the way the current councilor treats colleagues on the council, the mayor and city staff. They are concerned — and I share this concern — about unfounded claims that suggest corruption and malfeasance in the mayor’s office.

No street, neighborhood, ward or city is a monolith, but a diverse group of people with differing opinions. It therefore falls to city leaders to initiate conversations and listen to differing perspectives. They must weigh facts, plan thoughtfully and respond to changing circumstances, while working together — not against — each other to arrive at solutions.

Inevitably, some decisions will disappoint some people, precisely because the city is not a monolith. Nevertheless, this is our best chance to pass along a healthy, vibrant city to future generations.

It is unusual to announce a candidacy so early in an election cycle — in fact, I can’t even pull papers to begin collecting signatures until April 2. But I feel a sense of urgency fueled by my dismay over what I see happening in city politics and my deep concerns about what another Trump presidency without any guardrails this time will mean for our community. In this context, it’s more important than ever that our city is as strong as possible to protect the most vulnerable among us and resist the tyranny of chaos.

Sadly, the corrosive, sledgehammer tactics ushered in by Trump and his followers have trickled down to communities across the country, and Northampton is no exception. Social media platforms are being used to spread misinformation, stoke fear and suspicion of elected leaders, and mislead people. The expertise of our smart, capable and experienced city employees is being disregarded, replaced by some kind of magical thinking that defies reality and facts.

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I can’t promise that, if elected, everyone in Ward 3 will be happy with all my votes. But I can make a commitment to be accessible to residents, to vote on every matter that comes before the council, and to explain my choices. I will prepare for discussions and votes, rely on facts and consult with city residents and experts to arrive at decisions about matters of concern to residents.

A city is composed of many varied groups with sometimes common and sometimes different — but all legitimate — needs. These sectors include single people, families with young children, students, teachers, teenagers, senior citizens, people with disabilities, city employees, business owners, school communities, neighborhoods and visitors. It is the responsibility of elected representatives to acknowledge and value all of those perspectives.

Understanding that compromise is part of civic life, I will work with other elected leaders seeking to balance the needs of different groups and institutions within our city in the context of the common good. I believe I have the experience, temperament and knowledge of how municipal government works to make an effective, trusted council member who will work cooperatively with others to move our city forward.

Laurie Loisel lives in Ward 3 in Northampton.