A Look Back, Aug. 1

Published: 07-31-2024 11:01 PM |
■Denise Cronin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cronin, has been notified that she is to be featured in the eighth annual edition of “Who’s Who Among American High School Students,” the largest student award publication in the nation. Miss Cronin, a senior at Northampton High School, is active in cheerleading, on the ski team, Tri-Hi-Y, travel club and dramatics.
■The long-awaited stoplight at Jackson Street and Bridge Road is inching it way toward state approval. The stoplight, requested last year by residents of the area after a car-pedestrian accident seriously injured a child, awaits plan approval by the state Department of Public Works.
■City officials are investigating whether Roy C. Marin, a candidate for mayor, can legally live in a motor home he has parked at the Hill and Dale Mall on King Street. Martin is the second mayoral candidate to have questions raised about the legality of his residence. Questions surfaced when former radio talk show host Tony Long said he moved from Hatfield to Northampton on Monday, the day he became a registered voter in the city and took out nomination papers.
■In celebration of its 35th reunion, the Northampton High School’s Class of 1964 raised $1,400 in support of the school’s renovation. The class gift will be directed to improvements to the school library.
■In what will likely come as a relief to many North Street residents, Pan Am Railways on Friday expects to disband and roll away a temporary worker camp of train cars parked on the railroad tracks behind their homes. Some 100 workers have been using a string of about 25 cars since July 7 as a place to eat and relax between long shifts upgrading train tracks for higher speed passenger rail service.
■Hope Margala has been named chief executive officer of Yankee Candle Co., after having served as the company’s president of retail and EVP Brand, Innovation and Merchandising. She replaces Harlan Kent, who had been with the company for the last 13 years.