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Keyword search: town administrator

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

Granby Town Administrator Christopher Martin to retire
08-09-2024 11:34 AM


GRANBY — After 23 years as town administrator, Christopher Martin will retire on Nov. 1, leaving the Select Board to rethink the position’s responsibilities before hiring a replacement.“I’d truly like to thank you for your service to the town for...

It’s official: Belchertown’s request to create town manager position OK’d by state
03-28-2024 10:50 AM

By Emilee Klein

BELCHERTOWN — After nearly a year of waiting, Belchertown finally has a town manager.On March 8, Gov. Maura Healey signed legislation to create the first-ever town manager, replacing the long-used town administrator form of government. The change,...

Southampton Select Board selects a new town administrator
01-23-2024 9:51 AM


SOUTHAMPTON — Over the years, Scott Szczebak has hung a painting that overlooks Southampton, Easthampton, Northampton and the Oxbow in his office. That painting will soon have a new home in Southampton’s Town Hall, where next month Szczebak will step...

Around the Hamptons: Plans for new Easthampton senior center begin; Southampton town administrator search continues
01-09-2024 4:00 PM


EASTHAMPTON — The city has launched an Ad Hoc Senior Center Building Committee that will meet for the next year before a future building committee is formed to advance plans for a new senior center. The ad hoc committee will review collected material...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

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