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Keyword search: human services

Five College Learning in Retirement: Giving back to community in myriad ways
03-30-2023 2:29 PM


Five College Learning in Retirement members are busy people, but besides their academic commitment to this program, many are also involved in volunteering in a wide variety of ways. I sent out a questionnaire to our membership this month and was blown...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

WIC supporters mark 50 years of helping families grow
08-29-2024 5:22 PM


The Department of Public Health this week celebrated the 50th anniversary of a program for mothers and children that boosts childhood nutrition and, in the words of one state representative, serves as a “buffer against hardship.”Known as WIC, the...

South Hadley town administrator proposes merging three departments
02-22-2024 5:42 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — The town’s recreation and veterans services departments and the Council on Aging will merge under a new human services department in fiscal year 2025 to maximize impact of social and mental health services within new budget...

Gov. Healey’s budget cut puts region’s antipoverty services in jeopardy
08-23-2023 4:48 PM


BOSTON — Community Action Pioneer Valley is looking at scaling back a host of programs that support low-income residents throughout the Valley after Gov. Maura Healey this month vetoed significant funding for the state’s 23 community action...

Northwestern DA’s office awards $114K for projects promoting recovery
02-23-2023 5:52 PM

NORTHAMPTON — The Northwestern district attorney’s office this month announced $114,000 in grants to community groups working with youth and families and supporting people in recovery, as part of its Asset Forfeiture Community Reinvestment...

ServiceNet to expand mental health services with $4M grant 
01-15-2023 8:56 PM

GRANT ABy MARY BYRNEStaff WriterNORTHAMPTON — ServiceNet, the large nonprofit human service agency headquartered in Northampton, intends to use a significant $4 million grant from the federal government to extend and expand a two-year-old pilot...

Amherst picks leader for new CRESS department
03-08-2022 8:29 PM


AMHERST — A new town department that will provide an alternative to police, with unarmed employees responding to calls that don’t feature violence of serious crime, has its inaugural leader.Earl Miller, regional director of recovery for the...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

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