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Displaying articles 121 to 129 out of 129 total.

Editorial: Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Public Charter School trustees must end turmoil quickly
05-29-2017 9:26 PM

The trustees of the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Public Charter School in South Hadley must act quickly to end the turmoil resulting from a controversy about the performance of school head Scott Goldman that erupted earlier this month.We hope that a...

Law firm hired to investigate PVPA head
05-14-2017 3:43 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — Trustees for the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter School on Friday agreed to hire a law firm to investigate grievances filed against head of school Scott Goldman.The board also unanimously voted to keep Goldman on paid...

Former Springfield Symphony Orchestra conductor with ties to Hampshire County dies
05-11-2017 12:38 AM


SPRINGFIELD — A former conductor and music director of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra who lived for a time in Hampshire County died unexpectedly this week while conducting a tour in Moldova.Robert Gutter, 79, died while traveling and teaching...

Hatfield schools’ production of ‘Grease’ promises electrifying experience
04-18-2017 11:41 PM


HATFIELD — One of the producers of the Hatfield Public Schools’ production of the musical “Grease” promises an “electrifying” experience.“The kids are phenomenal. ‘Grease’ is just a fun show for kids to do,” Randi Poirier said. “It’s downright...

Kathleen Mellen's This Caught My Eye: Warm up in art galleries
12-22-2016 12:30 PM

THIS CAUGHT MY EYE ... So. It’s winter. A time of howling winds and falling snow (and let’s face it, ice, sleet and freezing rain, because we ARE in New England). Yay? If you’re a winter-weather sissy like me, it’s a perfect time to head indoors to...

Noodling around: Northampton’s Eric Bennett adds second children’s book to penguin series
12-21-2016 4:31 PM

By LUIS FIELDMAN Eric Bennett’s friends called him “Noodles” when he was a kid, because he had long, curly hair. Now Bennett, a Northampton children’s book author, says he’s found a new use for that nickname — as the name for a character in two...

Ken Maiuri's Clubland — A bad rap: NHS student launches book, contest at The Parlor Room
12-09-2016 10:34 AM

Let me guess: you are not a professional rapper. But do you wish you could jump onstage sometimes, and try to rhyme, just for fun? Maybe you once wrote some creative, heartfelt or totally silly lines on paper and then shrugged and shoved them into a...

Keeping Tabs on the Arts: Happenings this week in the Valley
11-30-2016 3:48 PM

At Hope & FeathersThe sixth annual “Small Works” show at Hope and Feathers Framing, 319 Main St. in Amherst, will be up through Jan. 14. The show features dozens of works by local artists in all mediums, including photography, paintings, illustration...

Surprising roots: Retired ARHS teacher David Brule makes a startling discovery as he digs into his family history
08-31-2016 3:36 PM

By RICHIE DAVISThe family portrait looks quite unremarkable.The formal 1900-era photograph shows Judah W. Smith, with a large handlebar mustache and neat goatee, along with his somewhat stern-looking wife, Elizabeth, and their five sons dressed in bow...

Displaying articles 121 to 129 out of 129 total.

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