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Easthampton’s 11 Ferry St. project promises affordable five-story, 96-unit complex
07-12-2024 5:09 PM


EASTHAMPTON — Springfield nonprofit Home City Development Inc. has long been planning an affordable housing project on Ferry Street. Now, they are close to finalizing a construction plan, and could be breaking ground this time next year.Peter...

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Lack of volunteers stymies Southampton’s affordable housing efforts
11-21-2024 2:26 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — At a time when the need for affordable housing has become increasingly apparent nationwide, a lack of volunteers for local government positions has left Southampton in a tough spot. The town has had a bylaw in place to establish an...

Playing catch-up on housing: Affordable projects in pipeline around Valley as gap keeps growing
07-12-2024 4:59 PM


Thousands of new affordable housing units will be built in western Massachusetts in the next few years, but local housing advocates say this still will not be enough to meet the massive regional demand for housing relief.The lack of affordable housing...

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