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Keyword search: Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association

A burst of hot pink in Old Deerfield: Extensive Barbie collection on view at PVMA before heading to auction
06-07-2024 12:31 PM


At the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association’s upcoming garden party this weekend for its new “Barbie – All Dolled Up” gallery exhibit, it’s BYOB: Bring Your Own Barbie.The museum is welcoming folks on Sunday, June 9, to the official opening of the...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

New website will document life of Lucy Terry Prince, the earliest identified African American writer
02-03-2025 1:16 PM


DEERFIELD — The Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association has begun a multiyear effort to bring to life a project exploring the experiences of Lucy Terry Prince, the earliest identified African American writer. The work began last Saturday on the first day of Black History Month.

Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association honored with Forever stamp
08-04-2024 9:47 AM


DEERFIELD — The U.S. Postal Service has honored the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association (PVMA) with a Forever stamp for its continued efforts in promoting the history and culture of the region.A brief ceremony was held outside Memorial Hall Museum...

The night that changed Deerfield forever: New book gives a comprehensive look at the infamous Deerfield Massacre of 1704
02-29-2024 2:26 PM


If you’re from the region, you’ve probably come across the story of the 1704 attack on Deerfield, or, at least one of the many monuments placed around the county commemorating the English colonists.But how much do you really know of this time period,...

Civil War, World War I munitions detonated following discovery at Deerfield museum
09-14-2023 11:08 AM


DEERFIELD — What began as a search to find an item to supplement an exhibit at the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association (PVMA) turned into something potentially dangerous on Monday.While looking for an architectural piece related to an old doorway...

Deerfield Select Board votes to sign records storage agreement with PVMA
04-12-2023 8:45 AM


DEERFIELD — The Selectboard authorized an agreement Wednesday evening to store town records from as far back as the 18th century at the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association (PVMA), nearly ending a year-long process that began with a radiator leak in...

Deerfield Historical Commission, historian to help move historical documents
02-12-2023 3:00 PM


DEERFIELD — While the town works out a record storage agreement with the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, the Historical Commission and a local historian will prepare to move those documents upon execution of the agreement.The Select Board...

Deerfield ironing out agreement with museum to store records
02-06-2023 10:47 AM


DEERFIELD — Following a radiator leak last year in the 1888 Building that initially raised the state’s concern about protecting historical records from potential damage, the town is working out a deal with the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

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