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Justine McCarthy: We must be ready for clean energy future
02-13-2025 7:41 PM

In his guest column “Just Not Ready for Clean Energy Future” [Jan. 30], Stephen Fox identifies himself as a climate change believer and conservationist but then engages in fear-mongering about the transition to renewable energies.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 33 total.

Kurt Heidinger: Trump, Netanyahu and mental health
02-09-2025 10:59 AM

Studies reveal the mental health of Americans is deteriorating, and this deterioration is sure to increase as a result of witnessing Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu declare that Gaza will be taken over and the Palestinians will be removed so it can be turned into a world-class beach resort.

Mattea Kramer: Small actions are powerful
02-09-2025 10:59 AM

So many of us feel an urgent need to do something right now even as we simultaneously feel powerless. In fact, there are things we can do — many powerful things. Culturally, we tend to value big, grand actions, but small acts add up in ways we cannot know.

Lawrence Lewis: Short-sightedness is not a good look
01-30-2025 8:24 PM

Richard Fein’s Jan. 27 column “Can anything good happen with Trump?” is worrisome. Not since Vichy France have I read such an apologist piece.

Nina M. Scott: Wisdom on values
10-28-2024 4:47 PM

I wanted go congratulate the Gazette on the splendid editorial cartoon in the Oct. 22 edition, “Would you like lies with that?”Our tense pre-election time is not easy to live through. I was a child in Nazi Germany. My father, an American citizen,...

John Howard: Future and past trash barrels
10-08-2024 8:56 PM

As most of you probably know, next year South Hadley will switch from using regular trash barrels to ones that the trash truck can pick up and automatically dump. Hopefully, we can keep the amount of plastic thrown away in this changeover to a...

Guest columnist Ann Darling: Backroom deals and false climate solutions
10-01-2024 4:35 PM


 Buried in Section 73 of Gov. Maura Healey’s supplemental 2024 budget is an interesting little tidbit, a new definition of “clean energy generation.” In this bill, clean energy now includes, among other things, “nuclear power generation that is...

Shelly Greenstein: Biden, Congressional delegation must impose arms embargo on Israel
09-23-2024 4:42 PM

Growing up Jewish in Massachusetts, the topic of the Holocaust was one explored and discussed frequently, both at Hebrew school and also in the public schools I attended. I was haunted by the story of Anne Frank, and by the images of the skeletal...

David King: US sanctions also drive immigration
08-19-2024 8:27 AM

I was puzzled that the writer of the guest column “Security, food would head off migration” in the Gazette’s Aug. 15 edition failed to mention a key driver of immigration to the U.S., the massive sanctions imposed on countries whose politics we abhor...

John Howard: Overcoming climate anxiety
08-07-2024 5:57 PM

We are all worried about what climate change can do to our world. Some deal with it by denying it is happening. The rest of us are realizing more and more as the years go by and the world gets hotter, that our climate is changing.One of the most...

Nancy Campbell: Facts matter about the Jones Library project
08-07-2024 12:01 AM

It is important that information shared about the Jones Library renovation and expansion is factual. Opponents are welcome to express their opinion that Amherst does not need to renovate and expand our library. However, misinformation about the...

Tina Swift: Kudos for Jones project direction
08-07-2024 12:01 AM

If my car is broken, I bring it to a qualified, trained mechanic. I do not ask my neighbors who may have driven a car, but have no expertise in auto mechanics, what to do.In a similar vein, I wish to congratulate the director and the trustees of the...

Evelyn Snyder: Try a little kindness on Cottage Street
08-05-2024 6:50 PM

My name is Evelyn Snyder, owner of Kaleidoscope Pottery. I have been at Cottage Street Studios for 33 years. Information about planned rent hikes by Riverside Industries (our landlord) didn’t include extreme changes in the new leases. The 19-page,...

George Shaw: Cottage Street management unbending
08-05-2024 6:50 PM

 I am one of the 80-plus creatives affected by the recent events at Cottage Street Studios. We have been referred to as ableists. This is both offensive and untrue. Many of us or our loved ones have disabilities. And we certainly care for the clients...

Andrea Zax: ‘Corporate takeover’ of Cottage Street studios
08-05-2024 6:50 PM

  The artists at Cottage Street Studios in Easthampton have been trying to negotiate a reasonable rental agreement with Riverside Industries for months now. Riverside has refused to meet with us. We have met with Easthampton City Council and they are...

Anne Herrington and Christine Plette: The Jones project still makes good sense
08-05-2024 6:50 PM

While the original high bid for the Jones Library project was disappointing, the Jones project team has made responsible design decisions aiming to lower the overall costs. While the naysayers with their exaggerated claims would have us believe...

Daniel Miller: Peeved by prevalence of ‘microaggression’
05-29-2024 4:26 PM

I’m grateful to learn that the Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate Program is catching hold at Belchertown’s Jabish Middle School [“Change for a school’s climate,” Gazette, May 16]. I feel a personal tie to that place because I was a...

Joseph Morse: So much to be thankful for
05-09-2024 9:17 AM

So much to be thankful for … with the war in Gaza so many other world problems have disappeared from the Gazette’s pages. No more climate crisis, no war in Ukraine, no border crisis and no starvation in Sudan. Could it really be that calls for a...

Letter: It's not Us vs Them
05-09-2024 9:17 AM

I have been very disappointed in the rhetoric around the school budget. The issue began when the School Committee spent one-time COVID money on ongoing costs like teacher salaries. That was a mistake on their part that is causing the current...

Letter: No taxation without representation
05-06-2024 1:36 PM

The students of Frontier Regional make a compelling argument to lower the voting age to 16. Actuarially speaking, a 16-year-old has a far greater stake in the decisions made by our elected officials than a 60-year-old does.There is another compelling...

Letter: Commonsense/Common Good
05-06-2024 1:36 PM

Kudos to Northampton School Committee member Karen Foster Cannon for her vote against a proposed Northampton Public Schools budget that would increase spending by 17%, necessitating deep cuts in other city services [“Board takes stand for no school...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 33 total.

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