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Norbert Salz: Trump-Musk blitzkrieg
02-09-2025 10:59 AM

We are experiencing a coup nominally led by Donald Trump, but I am especially alarmed by Elon Musk’s operational takeover of government operations. He has your and my Social Security numbers. He has our bank account information. I rely on Social Security income to support myself and now find I may be at the mercy of whatever decisions Musk and his minions (possibly including Trump?) may make.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 35 total.

Guest columnist Leslie Skantz-Hodgson: Weekend school nutrition program needs community’s help
12-26-2024 10:47 AM


 In February 2023, Northampton Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra announced that 61 applicants requesting $4 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act were awarded grants ranging from $3,840 to $450,000. St. John’s Episcopal Church, the lead applicant...

Ira Helfand: A bomb survivors warn of nuclear danger
12-13-2024 1:19 PM

On Tuesday, Nihon Hidankyo, an association of survivors of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, became the fourth organization to win the Nobel Peace Prize for work advocating the abolition of nuclear weapons.In accepting the award, Terumi Tanaka...

Greg White: Charter school’s commercials on public radio ‘jarring’
12-12-2024 4:06 PM

I completely agree with the insightful letter by members of the Northampton School Committee (Dec. 10) about the financial implications of an expansion of the Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School. Although I respect the educational choices...

Robin and Jim Mias: Thank you Northampton public employees
12-02-2024 5:58 PM

We just wanted to say thanks to the Department of Public Works and all our Northampton public employees who had a hand in the planning and and eventual completion of the Northampton bike path, the Look Park roundabout and the various roads and...

Weekly Food Photo Contest: This week’s winner — John Coan of Leeds
11-01-2024 5:01 PM

John Coan, of Leeds, tell us he decided to test his “baking chops” by making this Dutch appeltaart for his husband’s birthday. He reports that it was “delicious as it was festive.” How to enter: Snap a pic of something delicious-looking and send it...

Leslie Chalmers: Neighborly Kindnesses
09-27-2024 11:59 AM

As we celebrate National Good Neighbor Day this weekend we should think about all the ways we interact with others. When I have a positive encounter with someone in a shop, on the street, or get a wave from a driver to let me make a turn in traffic, I...

Margaret Riddle: Vote ‘yes’ to eliminate MCAS graduation requirement
09-19-2024 3:52 PM

This election we have the opportunity to vote for fairness by voting ‘yes’ on Question 2: “The Elimination of MCAS as High School Graduation Requirement.” Understand that with the passage of this ballot question, the excellent curriculum frameworks in...

Photo: Cutting-edge approach
07-11-2024 5:02 PM

Marianne Banks: A momentous and memorable photograph
07-09-2024 3:00 PM

Occasionally there’s a photo in the Gazette that captures something really momentous. Last week there was a photo of the July 4 swearing-in of our newest American citizens [“‘Like a dream come true,’” Gazette, July 5]. Mere days earlier, certain...

Rick Hart: New supportive housing
06-25-2024 6:44 PM

We at Hampshire Support Alliance (formerly Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals) were happy to see the Gazette’s extensive reporting on Independent Housing Solutions, housing people who don’t always fit into traditional housing options....

Valerie Reiss: Forget the grown-ups
06-19-2024 5:15 PM

It appears that the mayor and much of the City Council remain bound to the incorrect notion that we don’t have enough money to properly fund the schools — and that advocating for level funding is somehow distasteful or disrespectful. Even though...

Guest columnist Jennifer Bryan: Northampton pickleball project needs a little boost
06-18-2024 7:59 PM


 What an exciting time to see the fastest-growing sport in the country take root in western Massachusetts! Witness the development of pickleball courts in Westfield, Belchertown, South Hadley, Easthampton, Southampton and more. A new project in...

Lora Sandhusen: Discourage ultra-wealthy consumption habits with carbon tax
04-24-2024 4:46 PM

In Russ Vernon-Jones’ column “Solving humanity’s shared climate crisis” [Gazette, March 14], he advocates funding green projects for the Global South by taxing the ultra-wealthy. Why? Because “that’s where the money is.” In response, guest columnist...

Linda Butler: Good news in the fight for a livable world
04-03-2024 4:25 PM

Thank you for another excellent column by Russ Vernon-Jones (”Solving humanity’s shared climate crisis,” Gazette, March 14). He’s right to ask us to take a global perspective on climate change. We’re all in this together. I also appreciated Daniel...

Margaret Riddle: MCAS test for voters to decide
03-29-2024 4:01 PM

In 1998, the first year the MCAS was required, I administered the test to fourth grade students in Northampton. Later, as a principal, I supervised the administration and analysis of the results. As such tests go, the MCAS can be useful, however it is...

Lee Armstrong: Understanding GPS
03-24-2024 11:17 AM

This is in response to the March 21 Associated Press article entitled “GPS is a covered bridge’s worst enemy.” It refers to the use of GPS as a navigational tool. I have had many friends also say that they use GPS to find a route to the desired...

Margie Riddle: VINS Dog Show a community success
03-08-2024 1:37 PM

An enthusiastic crowd of dog lovers and their owners and admirers welcomed the 16th annual Volunteers in Northampton Schools Dog Show back on March 2 after a hiatus during the pandemic.The board of directors of VINS appreciates all who attended as...

Guest columnist Karen Bercovici: LGBTQ and the erasure of true female identity
03-04-2024 7:01 PM


‘I desire you would Remember the ladies … Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a...

Paticia K. Doppmann: Welcome to Taxhampton
02-12-2024 5:33 PM

Recently I read an article in the Gazette regarding the need for two overrides in Northampton in the next five years to fund the schools [“A grim budget preview,” Feb. 1]. What is wrong with this picture? This city is spending over $20 million to...

Guest columnists Mark Reynolds and Linda Butler: Energy alternatives will protect Americans from blackouts 
01-11-2024 4:33 PM


As we reflect on a year of unprecedented weather events, we must move into the new year embracing a diverse mix of power options to protect Americans from blackouts and climate extremes.While Massachusetts escaped the worst of the U.S. heat waves this...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 35 total.

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