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Keyword search: Jabish Brook Middle School

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

Belchertown voters resoundingly strike down override for new middle school
06-18-2024 3:12 PM


BELCHERTOWN — Residents shot down the proposed $122.6 million middle school building at Monday’s special election, bringing the project to an end and denying a $47.9 million grant from Massachusetts School Building Authority to offset the cost.The...

Decision day nears: Belchertown voters to decide on new Jabish Brook school at special election Monday
06-14-2024 5:50 PM


BELCHERTOWN — When Jennifer Whitehead heard that the now-closed Taggell School hindered her child’s ability to learn in the first two years of his schooling, it nearly broke her heart.The sound the lights made, the slippery long hallways and the...

Cost divides town into camps over new Jabish Brook school project
05-22-2024 8:09 PM


BELCHERTOWN — While driving to Town Meeting earlier this month, Lynn Sikes noticed signs punctuating the lawns of homes, urging residents to vote “yes” or “no” on a Proposition 2½ debt exclusion override to fund a new $122.6 million Jabish Brook...

A year after antisemitic incidents rocked Jabish Brook Middle School in Belchertown, a new program is having positive effect
05-15-2024 4:11 PM


BELCHERTOWN — One day this spring as she was walking past the gymnasium at Jabish Brook Middle School, guidance counselor Jennifer Parker heard something that made her do a double-take — in a good way.A group of eighth grade girls were calling out a...

School officials investigating racist incidents at Jabish Brook Middle School in Belchertown
04-10-2023 4:58 PM


BELCHERTOWN — School officials at Jabish Brook Middle School have opened an investigation into alleged antisemitic incidents at the school, including the use of the Nazi salute, by a large number of students. The investigation was announced by Brian...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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