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Keyword search: Florence MA

Displaying articles 221 to 240 out of 264 total.

Sarah T. McArdle: Easthampton City Council should override mayoral veto
07-18-2023 8:21 PM

As bans on transgender care and abortion rights grow in numerous states, families and individuals are moving to Massachusetts for available medical treatment and legal protection of their privacy. Congratulations to the Easthampton City Council for...

Guest columnist Lawrence Pareles: Lawsuit not about mifepristone – It’s about the FDA and safety of our medicines
07-18-2023 8:20 PM


I am writing to express my deep concern about a recent legal case that challenges the legitimacy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This case poses a significant threat to the integrity of our drug approval process and should be addressed...

Sidney Moss: Appreciates column calling out injustice
07-16-2023 10:40 AM

I feel that the July 10 Gazette opinion piece by John Sheirer “Injustice: Wrong then, wrong now” made excellent points that cut to a major issue and flashpoint in our society — inequality in the way that people are treated. I admire Sheirer’s...

Lisa S. Lippiello: UMass medical team extraordinary
07-10-2023 6:09 PM

We were attending my daughter’s graduation at the UMass commencement ceremony on Friday, May 26. Her 82-year-old uncle who has been like a grandfather to her flew in from Florida for the event. While sitting in the top row of the McGuirk Stadium, he...

John Sinton: Putin and Russia must be met with force
07-02-2023 3:22 PM

Regarding the guest column by Allen J. Davis and Tom Weiner [“Stop double standard; tell truth about Ukraine,” Gazette June 29], first, please do not write our political leaders asking them to force a negotiated peace settlement on Ukraine. Before you...

Joe Silverman: Biden should return to VP role
06-29-2023 2:45 PM

I am writing with an idea related to Richard Fein’s recent and excellent guest column, titled “Biden is a weak candidate. He should run for reelection anyway,” [Gazette, June 26].I think President Biden’s policies and decisions have been largely...

Joseph A. Twarog: Experimental sub, Greek boating disaster show world’s priorities
06-26-2023 6:14 PM

While I applaud the heroic multi-nation emergency response to locate and rescue the private experimental submersible with five sightseeing tourists at the ocean floor site of the luxury liner, Titanic, I have some serious concerns. There are many...

Guest columnist David Alpern: Resume universal masking in health care settings to safeguard against Covid-19
06-20-2023 4:13 PM


I am writing to strongly advocate for the reinstatement of universal face-masking in health care settings, to protect patients, health care staff, and visitors alike.With nearly five decades of work in medicine, and over 30 years as a board-certified...

Joe Gannon: The insincerity of banning books
06-19-2023 4:08 PM

The debate over who should decide what will be read in our school libraries and classrooms is a classic example of our recent national foray into “the loudest opinion trumps the most knowledgeable.”But only in this “game playing” we now call...

Peter Jones: Texas and Juneteenth
06-18-2023 8:01 AM

Is it not ironic that Texas, the state that pioneered the celebration of Juneteenth, has just re-enslaved its entire female population?Peter JonesFlorence

Samuel J. Gelinas: Chuck Todd — A class act
06-12-2023 8:48 PM

Chuck Todd will no longer be welcoming us to Sunday, as he retires from his position as “Meet the Press” moderator. He made this announcement on the show this past Sunday, June 4.Unlike Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson, two high-level news anchors fired...

Carole Horowitz: State must rein in pesticides
06-12-2023 8:48 PM

We are discouraged by the failure of the Massachusetts Legislature to limit the use of toxic pesticides in the commonwealth. This May, for the third time in six years, a grassroots coalition of scientists, doctors, wildlife veterinarians, farmers,...

Kendra Dahlquist: Great job Gazette, but ...
05-31-2023 11:25 PM

I’m delighted to see more local news on the front page above the fold. That’s why you have local readers! I just have one bone to pick.Bill Danielson’s “Speaking of Nature” column in the Living section is a wonderful respite from the sturm und drang...

Isaac Luria: Not worried about noise or parking at Bombyx
05-30-2023 3:05 PM

I was upset to learn of what appeared to be targeted and discriminatory attacks on Florence-based cultural center Bombyx. While some neighbors are calling the Fire Department to try to shut it down, I live on the block and I have loved the three...

Stephanie Grimaldi: The science of reading 
05-29-2023 10:25 AM

It is encouraging to hear that the Northampton Public Schools are engaged in curriculum review and data analysis to improve our children’s reading instruction. The recent article, “Schools eye literacy shift to ‘science of reading,’” [Gazette, May...

Dennis Desmond: Crushing another Florence enterprise 
05-26-2023 9:59 AM

What have we done in Florence? Once again, the city of Northampton is treating us like the kid who gets blamed for everything. As we were coming out of Covid restrictions, it was our local brewpub that was sidelined. While other breweries locally and...

Ruthy Woodring: Bicycles more efficient than ‘horrible’ cars, including EVs
05-19-2023 2:32 PM

In the push to get people to buy electric cars, one reason given is because “electric vehicles are fun to drive.” Bulldozers and drag line excavators are fun to drive, too. But is anything as fun as riding a bike?Electric vehicles are are insanely...

Suggests town name changes 
05-12-2023 12:42 PM

Springfield, Greenfield, Westfield, Deerfield, Ashfield, Plainfield, Northfield, Sheffield, Medfield, Sandisfield, and four Brookfields surely must change their names now that the Smith School of Social Work has decreed that “field” means...

Guest columnist Mariel E. Addis: About the cliques …
05-09-2023 4:56 PM


I am a Gen-X’er. I am among the first of the new models to come out. The Mustang and the Beatles beat me and my peers to the scene by mere months, both being introduced the year prior. Probably due to being the first of my generation, I feel a lot of...

Stephen Harding: Northampton’s manhole covers 
05-01-2023 6:43 PM

I read Saturday’s Gazette with the story about adding Ninja Turtle manhole covers for downtown (“Councilors defend Ninja Turtle project”) with great interest. Some Councilors expressed the belief that this would aid in driving downtown economic...

Displaying articles 221 to 240 out of 264 total.

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