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By Line search: By JIM PALERMO

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: Can’t find agenda in Scriptures
11-29-2024 10:44 AM


 I am a person of faith who attends church regularly, but my beliefs do not fit neatly into any denomination. I am most comfortable in the United Church of Christ, whose motto is “God is still speaking.” Thus, while I regard the Bible as the greatest...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: Real villain seems to be capitalism unchecked
10-28-2024 4:40 PM


It seems to me that our passion for affixing a label to everything contributes to what is tearing at the fabric of our society.I do not intend to add to the confusion, for I acknowledge that the more I read and study, the more aware I become of how...

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: Beware the zeitgeist! It’s bad for our kids
04-17-2024 6:01 AM


 I ran into a friend who asked why I had not for a long while submitted columns to the Daily Hampshire Gazette. I responded that I had not written because I was overwhelmed by the myriad issues that threaten out great country; that gnaw at the very...

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: A safer world for euphemisms
09-08-2023 5:00 PM


We are not doing our kids any favors by raising them to be too hyper-sensitive to flourish in a very cruel and hostile environment. The truth is that while we can coerce people to behave in a certain way, we cannot coerce people into believing as we...

Guest columnist Jim Palermo: Have we lost tolerance for dissent?
06-30-2023 2:55 PM


It was shocking to learn when doing research for this column that it was not Voltaire who said something like, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” (Bartlett be damned.) It appears the adage may have been...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

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