A Look Back: July 13

Jim Bridgman

Jim Bridgman Jim Bridgman


For the Gazette

Published: 07-13-2024 6:01 AM

200 Years Ago

■The Boston & Albany mail stage will run in the following manner: leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 o’clock A.M.; arrive at Northampton same days at 8 o’clock, P.M.; leave Northampton every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3 o’clock A.M.; arrive at Albany same days at 8 o’clock, P.M.

■Died, in Northampton, on Friday last, a son of Mr. Thaddeus Clark, aged 7 years. On Thursday afternoon, he drank a considerable quantity of rum from a bottle which had been carried into the field by haymakers, probably unconscious of its nature and effects, and died in less than 24 hours. A physician was sent for some time in the night, but it was too late, a congestion having evidently already taken place in the brain.

100 Years Ago

■Waiting for more than six hours, revolver in hand and nerves tense, listening to strange noises and whisperings, watching darting shadows of men crossing and re-crossing the lawns, helpless without telephone service, because of cut wires, and the responsible guardian of a group of twelve Girl Scouts of Troop 3, encamped at Mrs. C. E. Ely’s cabin, “U and I,” in Pelham last week, was the experience on Thursday night of Miss Annie E. E. Simmons, troop leader and director of the People’s Institute. The situation is under investigation by police.

■Ceremonies notifying President Coolidge of his nomination as Republican candidate for President will be held between August 7 and 14, it was indicated today at the White House. The date was originally set for July 24, but that plan was abandoned after the death of the President’s son, Calvin Jr.

50 Years Ago

■The Northampton School Committee last night accepted a hiring policy that bars it from hiring immediate relatives of its members. The policy went into effect immediately and will be the yardstick used by the school department from now on to determine who is hired.

■Mayor Sean M. Dunphy has called for a public “informal” meeting Monday night to discuss possible sites for the state skating rink which was funded this week. There will also be discussion of the Leeds Reservoir areas and their use for active and passive recreation, including fishing and swimming.