Olivia McClurken: Help save the North Atlantic right whales
Published: 10-14-2024 5:32 PM |
Did you know North Atlantic right whales can live up to 70 years? Sadly, many die young from vessel strikes and fishing gear entanglements.
There are only about 360 of these whales left, with just 70 reproductive females. Since they can only give birth every seven to 10 years, their population is unlikely to recover without intervention. These whales often die from entanglement in fishing gear, which causes drowning, exhaustion or infection. Regulations currently slow vessels in whale habitats, but they only apply to ships 65 feet and longer.
As a MassPIRG member and Massachusetts resident, I urge readers to raise awareness about these dangers and ask U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern to support the Vessel Speed Rule. Proposed by NOAA, this rule would require vessels 35 feet and longer to reduce speeds in whale habitats. It is critical this passes before the end of President Joe Biden’s term.
This year alone, five North Atlantic right whales have died from net entanglements and vessel strikes. With your support, we can prevent more losses. Please sign the petition at masspirgstudents.org/whales. Thank you.
Olivia McClurken