Marie Lane: The emperor has no clothes

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 04-07-2024 7:00 AM |
On the very same day that Karen Bercovici’s guest column was published, the WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) files were leaked. These internal messages point to the lack of scientific evidence for the gender-affirming care model put forth by WPATH that has been used by many organizations, including England’s NHS, to establish the Standards Of Care (SOC) for trans kids and adults. These SOC include the successive treatments of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and ultimately surgery. After reading the files, there can be no doubt that what has been long touted as the gold standard is dangerous and experimental. The full leaked material can be found here:
Original files are at the end of the report. The backlash to Bercovici’s column was predictable. I am writing to acknowledge the growing number of progressive women who support her position, many of whom are staying silent to keep the peace or even keep their jobs. I know because I was one of them. The erasure of women is palpable and we are no longer willing to be “kind and accepting” door mats to the feet of gender ideology. It’s hard to find your voice but it’s OK to say, “the emperor has no clothes.” When you’re ready, there are women out here waiting for you.
Marie Lane
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