Robert Boulrice: Return Stuart to Republican State Committee



Published: 02-28-2024 5:36 PM

I am a member of the four person, bi-partisan, Northampton Board of Registrars. From the Secretary of State’s Elections Division manual: “Every city and town must have a board of registrars or election commission whose responsibilities include registering voters, making local listings of residents, certifying nomination papers and petitions, processing voter applications and administering election recounts … The board must always contain, as nearly as possible, representatives of the two leading political parties.” This is important work and I am honored to serve on the board.

Mary Lou Stuart and I provide the balance. As we represent the two “leading political parties,” she may not value my endorsement for her Republican State Committee candidacy, but I hope she will welcome my thanks for her participation on the Board of Registrars of Northampton.

Mary Lou and her husband Jay Fleitman write, “We build bridges, not divisions ...We also know from polling and our own conversations with many, many voters, that the unaffiliated voters agree with us on a host of issues. They make up 60% of the voters of Massachusetts, and we need to be listening to and talking to them.”

It has been a pleasure working with Stuart on the Board of Registrars. I very much appreciate her willingness to “build bridges, not divisions” and encourage anyone to return Mary Lou Stuart to the Republican State Committee.

Robert Boulrice
