Alex Kent: Snowmobiles don’t belong on rail trail
Published: 11-27-2023 10:00 AM |
The writer of a recent letter to the editor asserts that it would be “inclusive and equitable” to open the Norwottuck Rail Trail to snowmobiles in the winter [“A time to share with snowmobiles,” Gazette, Nov. 14]. That is one of the more preposterous suggestions I’ve heard in a long time. I am frequent user of the rail trail, bicycling between Amherst and Northampton more times than I could count. The trail is heavily used by walkers. In winter, when snow conditions are right, cross-country skiers also use the trail. Cyclists average between 12-15 mph. Pedestrians average perhaps 3-4 mph. Nordic skiers maybe 10 mph. Compare these speeds with a snowmobile: snowmobiles on trails can average 25 to 50 mph, with top speeds approaching 100 mph, as fast as the fastest cars on a highway. These machines have absolutely no place on a rail trail because people will get killed. Keep snowmobiles off the rail trail!
Alex Kent