A Look Back, Jan. 21

Published: 01-21-2025 6:00 AM |
■Gerard A. Wallace has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for city councilor from Ward 4. Wallace says that he feels that a “fresh, energetic approach to the problems that beset our city is needed.” Wallace is concerned about high taxes, the problems of the elderly, the unemployment situation and the need for younger people in government.
■The promotion of Alice Morini to the position of personnel manager was announced by John Zaepfel, president of Chartpak, a Times Mirror Company. Mrs. Morini joined Chartpak in 1964 and most recently was administrative assistant to Zaepfel. In her new position she will be responsible for all personnel functions at Chartpak.
■Plans to add a skateboard park, in-line skating rink, tennis courts and community gardens at Veterans Field, between West and South streets, have raised the ire of neighborhood residents. The estimated $795,000 project may also include creating a new entrance off West Street and a 54-car parking lot.
■A plan to widen a section of Route 9 in Hadley as part of the Coolidge Bridge repair project is drawing fire from business owners, who say they will lose parking and roadside display areas. The widening would cut into nearly all of the parking for Carmelina’s Restaurant.
■Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School continues to have problems meeting accreditation health and safety standards, with complaints including inadequate heating during the winter and a leaking roof in the library. Superintendent Jeffrey Peterson agreed Tuesday that there are problems and said the school, which opened in 1908, needs an entirely new facility.
■What would happen if high school students turned off their phones and iPads for an entire day? At Northampton High School, the result was simple: they talked to each other. That’s what transpired one day earlier this month when 110 students signed a pledge to stay off their portable devices for an entire day in what organizers termed an “Anti-Social Media Challenge.”