A Look Back, Jan. 18


For the Gazette

Published: 01-17-2025 11:01 PM

200 Years Ago

■On Tuesday of last week, the question respecting Amherst Institution was brought up in the House of Representatives and referred to Tuesday of the present week. The committee of investigation suggest in their report that a college should be immediately incorporated at Amherst, and provision made for uniting Williams College with it, should the trustees of that college deem such union desirable.

■For sale, the old dwelling house standing on the Warner Place, so called, on Prospect Hill. The front part is 36 by 20 feet, two stories high, with an old-fashioned chimney, containing a great quantity of brick. The kitchen part is one story; and, including bedroom and shed, is 21 by 26 feet. The whole may be converted into one sizeable, or two small dwellings, and it will be sold in separate parts if desired. Inquire of S. Stoddard, Jr.

100 Years Ago

■Emile Barrangon of Northampton, known on the concert stage as “Chief Caupolican,” the Indian baritone, will be the feature attraction at the Calvin Theatre next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Barrangon, who has sung important roles in grand opera, will be supported at the piano by Miss Jeanne Renard.

■The Calvin Restaurant on lower Main Street, which was recently purchased by John C. Byrne, has not been closed for repairs, but is still open for business. The alterations which Mr. Byrne announced a few days ago will not be started for several months, he said today.

50 Years Ago

■The former secretary of Smith College who left that post to join the staff of public television station Channel 57 will return soon to an academic setting. Russell F. Carpenter, currently the director of development and community relations at Springfield’s WGBY-TV, has been named director of development at the University of Vermont.

■Atty. Mary Ellen Niles of 305 Ryan Road, Florence, who became a member of the Massachusetts Bar in December, has joined the Northampton law firm of Growhoski and Callahan. Atty. Niles attended local schools, graduating from Northampton High School in 1967.